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Logo - Making You Smile Cosmetic Dentist Studio
Logo - Making You Smile Cosmetic Dentist Studio
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Logo - Making You Smile Cosmetic Dentist Studio

The Basics

Once logged in, visit the page or post you would like to edit. At the top, click EDIT


Type directly into content areas using the Editor toolbar to apply text formatting and color.


You can also ADD MEDIA to any content box.

In the MEDIA LIBRARY you can choose an existing photo from the database or you can upload a new photo.


Once you've made your selection, you should set the display settings for that photo then click INSERT INTO PAGE (or POST) - Genearlly, you'll want to set it to "None" since clicking images shouldn't really do anything.

Once you're done editing all content areas, don't forget to hit PUBLISH to save your work!


Feel free to PREVIEW first if you wish.

You can opt-out of publishing to any social media account and/or customize your social media message via EDIT DETAILS under Publicize

Power Usage

Sometimes you just need to edit a lot of different posts or pages and you don't want to have to wait too long!

Solution: Use multiple Browser Tabs to muli-task!

From the backend, you can browse all pages or posts. Then to save time between Editing and Saving posts, open multiple pages at once by holding CTRL + Click once on each post you want to edit. I suggest opening up to 4 or 5 at a time, depending what your computer can handle.




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