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In previous blogs, we discussed how cavities form when bacteria in our mouths convert carbohydrates from our diet into corrosive acids.

Bacteria + Carbohydrates from diet and snacking = acids which melt the teeth and cause cavities

It makes sense to address the bacteria in our mouths if we want to develop a plan to reduce future cavities. There are numerous acid-producing bacteria in our mouths; some contribute more than others.

There are two steps to deal with them:

1: Test how many of the key acid-producing bacteria are present in our mouth (bacterial load)

2: Reduce those bacteria using prescription strength antibacterial mouth wash

As you can see in the picture attached to this blog the bacterial test reveals the bacterial load.  We use that to decide if you should use the anti-bacterial mouth wash.

Who gets the test: in general the test is recommended anytime we find a high number of cavities within a 3 years period.

At Making You Smile NYC, everyone gets a Caries Risk Assessment to evaluate the risk of future cavities.  If your Caries Risk Assessment is high then a bacterial test is recommend. Anti-bacterial mouth wash is then recommended to reduce the high bacterial load and help fight future cavities.



dental erosion

Many people opt for sugar-free drinks in order to spare their teeth from decay and damage. However, a new study by researchers from Melbourne University found that sugar-free drinks are equally as harmful to teeth.

The researchers, led by professor Eric Reynolds from the Oral Health Cooperative Research Center, investigated how 23 sugar-free drinks affected oral health and found that most caused the tooth's enamel (the outer layer) to soften by a whopping 30 to 50 percent. These drinks included soda, flavored juices and flavored mineral waters.

Just how do they cause this damage?

Plaque on teeth forms from the sugar people eat. Bacteria feed on this plaque and as they do, an acid is produced that destroys teeth and causes decay. In the same way, sugar-free drinks containing acid cause damage to teeth by stripping the enamel.

Continued consumption of these beverages can cause dental erosion to further progress, sometimes to the point of exposing a tooth's inner soft pulp. Reynolds blamed the citric acid or phosphoric acid content of such drinks for the dental erosion.

"Many people believe soft drinks labeled sugar-free are completely safe for teeth, but unfortunately we're finding these aren't much better than the sugar-filled versions because of their potential to cause erosion of dental enamel," said Reynolds.

Reynolds also said one in three children suffer from dental erosion.

"We've seen bad erosion in the teeth of children aged 2 to 3 years old, and signs of erosion in permanent teeth of older children," he noted, adding that if children will keep drinking these beverages, they "are likely to need extensive dental treatment by the time they reach their teens."

Sugar-free candies, particularly orange or lemon flavored ones, likewise contain acids from the flavoring and destroy the teeth in the same way.

Sports drinks are not off the hook, either. After investigating eight sports drinks, the researchers found that six of them "caused significant enamel surface loss and enamel surface softening," according to a briefing paper about the study.

Reynolds recommends a very simple way to avoid dental erosion: "To give your teeth, or your children's teeth, the best chance, water is always a better choice."

The study was published in the Australian Dental Journal.

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Dental cavities, also known as caries or tooth decay, are by far the most common oral disease affecting the hard structure of the tooth. Cavities are also the most preventable dental disease.

What are cavities?
Cavities are the melting of the hard outer layer of the tooth leading to a hole in that tooth.

What causes cavities?
Bacteria in our mouth feed on the carbohydrates in our diet. These bacteria produce acids which attack the tooth’s hard structure and cause it to erode.

Cavities are also the most preventable dental disease.

How can we prevent cavity formation?
There are three strategies we can use:

  1. Alter our snacking habits. By reducing our carbohydrate intake, the bacteria in our mouths is starved and can no longer produce the harmful acids that corrode our teeth.
  2.   Strengthen the tooth structure to make it more resistant to the acid produced by the bacteria.
  3.   Reduce the number of bacteria in our mouth so we have less acids produced.

How do we determine which strategy is best for you?
Depending on each individual "risk profile", we choose the strategy that has the best chance of reducing cavities in the future. We call this process "Caries Management By Risk Assessment". To read more about caries management, see our posts on CAMBRA.

Are cavities transmissible?

Cavities aren't contagious, but bacteria is. Cavities are caused by bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria are most often transferred to our mouths as babies from our caregivers. Studies have shown, however, that if we can delay the process and keep the bacteria from babies in the first two years of life, we can significantly reduce the risk of future cavities. We will post more on early prevention and infant dental care in the future.

At Making You Smile we are committed to cavity prevention and each of our patients is presented with a prevention plan that fits their particular needs. Call and book your appointment today. 1-646 484-0197



Dental cavities, also known as caries or tooth decay, are by far the most common oral disease affecting the hard structure of the tooth. Cavities are also the most preventable dental disease.

What are cavities?
Cavities are the melting of the hard outer layer of the tooth leading to a hole in that tooth.

What causes cavities?
Bacteria in our mouth feed on the carbohydrates in our diet. These bacteria produce acids which attack the tooth’s hard structure and cause it to erode.

Cavities are also the most preventable dental disease.

How can we prevent cavity formation?
There are three strategies we can use:

  1. Alter our snacking habits. By reducing our carbohydrate intake, the bacteria in our mouths is starved and can no longer produce the harmful acids that corrode our teeth.
  2.   Strengthen the tooth structure to make it more resistant to the acid produced by the bacteria.
  3.   Reduce the number of bacteria in our mouth so we have less acids produced.

How do we determine which strategy is best for you?
Depending on each individual "risk profile", we choose the strategy that has the best chance of reducing cavities in the future. We call this process "Caries Management By Risk Assessment". To read more about caries management, see our posts on CAMBRA.

Are cavities transmissible?

Cavities aren't contagious, but bacteria is. Cavities are caused by bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria are most often transferred to our mouths as babies from our caregivers. Studies have shown, however, that if we can delay the process and keep the bacteria from babies in the first two years of life, we can significantly reduce the risk of future cavities. We will post more on early prevention and infant dental care in the future.

At Making You Smile we are committed to cavity prevention and each of our patients is presented with a prevention plan that fits their particular needs. Call and book your appointment today. 1-646 484-0197



Dental cavities, also known as caries or tooth decay, are by far the most common oral disease affecting the hard structure of the tooth. Cavities are also the most preventable dental disease.

What are cavities?
Cavities are the melting of the hard outer layer of the tooth leading to a hole in that tooth.

What causes cavities?
Bacteria in our mouth feed on the carbohydrates in our diet. These bacteria produce acids which attack the tooth’s hard structure and cause it to erode.

Cavities are also the most preventable dental disease.

How can we prevent cavity formation?
There are three strategies we can use:

  1. Alter our snacking habits. By reducing our carbohydrate intake, the bacteria in our mouths is starved and can no longer produce the harmful acids that corrode our teeth.
  2.   Strengthen the tooth structure to make it more resistant to the acid produced by the bacteria.
  3.   Reduce the number of bacteria in our mouth so we have less acids produced.

How do we determine which strategy is best for you?
Depending on each individual "risk profile", we choose the strategy that has the best chance of reducing cavities in the future. We call this process "Caries Management By Risk Assessment". To read more about caries management, see our posts on CAMBRA.

Are cavities transmissible?

Cavities aren't contagious, but bacteria is. Cavities are caused by bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria are most often transferred to our mouths as babies from our caregivers. Studies have shown, however, that if we can delay the process and keep the bacteria from babies in the first two years of life, we can significantly reduce the risk of future cavities. We will post more on early prevention and infant dental care in the future.

At Making You Smile we are committed to cavity prevention and each of our patients is presented with a prevention plan that fits their particular needs. Call and book your appointment today. 1-646 484-0197


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